free zone

Setting up a business in Ajman Free Zone

Ajman, one of the seven emirates forming the UAE, houses the Ajman Free Zone (UAE), established in 1988 to provide tax-free and fully serviced operating environment to businesses. The regulatory and developmental activities of the free zone are managed by the Ajman Free Zone Authority (AFZA). 


AFZA offers various commercial services including company registration, visa assistance, and office and warehouse leasing.

The businesses operating in the Free Zone encompass trading and manufacturing firms, as well as service providers such as consulting firms and advertising agencies. The AFZA area is extensive and enjoys convenient access to ports, airports, and major transportation networks. In terms of trade, imports, exports, contracts, visas, E-commerce, and banking services, companies in the free zone hold the same legal status as any other UAE Free Zones Company. Compared to other free zones in the UAE, the AFZA free zone aims to provide substantial cost savings to entrepreneurs who wish to establish a business there.


Reasons to Do Business in Ajman

There are multiple reasons why international entrepreneurs might consider establishing themselves in Ajman. As mentioned earlier, the emirate benefits from a strategic location with easy access to its neighboring emirates and beyond – the Ajman and Khorfakkan ports, as well as the Dubai International and Sharjah International airports, are in close proximity. Ajman also offers low initial costs, a business-friendly environment, and an abundance of affordable labor.

Cost of Establishing a Company in Ajman Free Zone

Providing an exact figure for the costs of setting up a company in Ajman Free Zone is not feasible. The specific amount will depend on your business activities and the scale of your organization, among other factors. However, it’s worth mentioning that establishing a business in a free zone is one of the most economical ways to do business in the UAE. Ajman is also renowned for its low cost of doing business, making it a feasible option for most budgets.

Setting up a Business in the Ajman Free Zone

Establishing a presence in AFZ involves a five-step process. While the process is not complicated, it requires attention to detail. Errors in your application could lead to delays or rejection. This is why engaging a professional company setup service to assist you in starting your firm is a great decision. When working with a company formation specialist, you only need to provide basic documentation and details about your business. The specialists will handle the remaining tasks, including processing your license and visa applications, liaising with relevant departments and authorities, and updating you when you are ready to commence trading. It’s as straightforward as that.

This is another reason why enlisting the support of an expert during this process is a wise choice. Additionally, we can schedule meetings with financial institutions and offer guidance on the best bank for your company.

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